
Average score 217 Reviews
Naaythauxfruits noted on Google

Un restaurant bien sympa avec une ambiance calme et posée, un service très agréable et c'était très bon également ! (Translated by Google) A very nice restaurant with a calm and relaxed atmosphere, very pleasant service and it was also very good!

2 months ago
Marie Boissiere noted on Google

Un plaisir d’y manger en famille. Les enfants n’en laissent pas une miette (pas un grain de riz). Service rapide sur place. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) A pleasure to eat there with the family. The children don't leave a crumb (not a grain of rice). Fast on-site service. I recommend.

2 months ago
Melissa Thery noted on Google

Au top livraison rapide plat bien servi un vrai délice je recommande (Translated by Google) At the top, fast delivery, well served dish, a real delight, I recommend

3 months ago
elodie potier noted on Google

3 months ago
Muriel Neuquelman noted on Google

3 months ago
Olol Dzefd noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We have been ordering from them regularly for years! Go there without hesitation! The quality/price ratio is by far the most interesting of all Dunkirk Signed: the people of the golden lion (Original) On commande chez eux régulièrement depuis des années ! Allez y sans hésitez ! Le rapport qualité/prix est de loin le plus intéressant de tout le dunkerquois Signé : les gens du lion d'or

3 months ago
Ana Polisciuc noted on Google

3 months ago
Herve Scharre noted on Google

3 months ago
Nathalie Mal noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good, fresh and very good service. (Original) Très bon, frais et Très bon service.

3 months ago
chaperon rouge noted on Google

(Translated by Google) One of my favorite restaurants when I come to the sea, menus that can be slightly changed to suit the customer's taste, a always smiling welcome and very big and tasty sashimi, what more could you ask for 😍 ah if a little bit of music 😁 (Original) Un de mes restos préférée quand je viens à la mer , des menus qui peuvent être légérement changé pour correspondre au gout du client , un accueil toujours souriant et des sashimis bien gros et goutu , que demander de plus 😍 ah si un petit peu de musique 😁

3 months ago

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