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Puntuació mitjana 225 Ressenyes
Zoé Faligot ha valorat a Google

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Margaux Malésieux ha valorat a Google

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Amanda Vining ha valorat a Google

High quality fish, extent fat cut. Good miso must try the tempura shrimp. Fast service and excellent value especially on the set menu pieces.

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Margaux RENAUT ha valorat a Google

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marvin gernez ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good and on time, good prices (Original) Très bon et dans les temps, prix intéressants

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Sandrine Vigne ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very convenient online ordering! And the meal was excellent as always. Special mention for the dragon, a treat (Original) Très pratique la commande en ligne ! Et le repas était excellent comme toujours. Mention spéciale pour le dragon, un régal

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Lilian Marcq ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) very good restaurant (Original) tres bon restaurant

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Michele Labaeye ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Order ready on time...just forgot chopsticks and napkins...but little gift (beer) appreciated... (Original) Commande prête à l'heure...juste oubli des baguettes et serviettes...mais petit cadeau (bière) apprécié...

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heloise chabi ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Best Japanese/Asian restaurant in Dunkirk. (Original) Meilleur restaurant japonais/asiatique de Dunkerque.

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AL Le1OE ha valorat a Google

Excellent !!!

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Tokyo sushi© 2024
Avís legal

2 Rue Dupouy
59140 Dunkerque, France

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per OKO
